Trish Shanks

“When we free ourselves, we automatically free everyone around us.” 

Describe Your Teaching Style:It is constantly evolving of course. But I gravitate towards guiding a slow & sensual practice where there is freedom & encouragement to tap more into yourself.But mostly I just unlock the door and invite people to a place where people have the space to come & to be exactly as they are. A space where there is no need to change but there is endless room to expand & to grow. 

What Brought You to Your Mat: A Freeman Stage event during covid. I bought a $10 yoga mat from Amazon that had all kinds of poses printed right on it so I could cheat. I was going to fake my way through the yoga for the sake of finally hearing live music. Three months later I was in yoga teacher training with the best people on earth❤️. I also bought a better mat.

Where Can We Find You When You’re Not Teaching:Likely with my dog Matilda and/or eating & drinking my way around. I’m in constant search for my next favorite cocktail or food item.…unless a Buffalo Bills game is on. Then I’m undoubtably eating Delawares attempt at a Buffalo wing and watching the game somewhere.


Fun Facts:

Celebrity Dinner Date: Marcel the Shell.

Guilty Pleasure: mismatched extra soft & cozy socks and a hot nap.

Soul Song: Midnight in Harlem by the Tedeschi Trucks Band

Trish’s Class Schedule: